Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 2 of P90x

Today is my second day of P90x. I will post before and after pictures when I am done. So far I am happy with the workouts. The first day was a bit harder than today. I did started todays workout by powerwalking/running a mile unlike yesterday. It really seemed to help motivate and get me ready to hit the workout video with more excitement.

Breakfast was 1.5 frozen banana, 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, with a serving of 100% hemp protein powder. I LOVE hemp protein, if you are looking for something quick it's perfect! It's basically natures super food! I'm usually too tired to and busy with my almost 6 month old son Aiden to cook in the mornings so this seems to be my best solution. You should take a little time to read about it. It breaks down much easier than whey protein and isn't harmful like soy. hemp protein 101 check it out. Do your own research too. But it's something incredible I believe.

Lunch will be something like eggs, and some fresh veggies. I haven't fully decided what to make yet.

Dinner is going to be baked chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

Time to go, see you tomorrow, Aiden is waking up!

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