Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 3 of P90x

Today I did shoulders and arms, and a little bit of the ab ripper x. I enjoy lifting weights a lot! I feel great the entire time, like I'm really working my body. Again I started out by warming up on the treadmill. I have decided it will be a daily ritual. I feel completely motivated and ready to take on the full P90x video after 15-20 mins of powerwalking/running.

I know some may not believe it but I am already seeing results, I looked at my body and it looks leaner, after 2 days of great workouts and incredibly healthy eating(not dieting I eat a lot!).

My weight this morning was 207, I hope to drop 7 pounds during the month of june. We'll see though, I am doing some pretty intense work outs, and I may gain some muscle weight. I'm not focused on the scale, yes I'd love to be 130 again(like I was in high school), but my main goal is to look good, no more chubby arms, muscular legs, and my old skinny waist again!

If you have similar goals, start by cutting out excess carbs, I don't eat low carb at all! I eat tons of sweet potatoes, and squash, veggies, and fruit. All which have more than enough carbs that we need in a day. We are told to eat so many servings of whole grains a day, its a carb overload in our bodies. Do you know, that carbs once our body has what it needs in carbs, turns the rest to sugar and it's stored as fat?

If you're the reading type, I HIGHLY recommend Robb Wolf's book "The paleo solution".

If you can't afford it, go to the library, download it, or I can even email you a copy if you want. Just read it. It will change your life. It's changed mine, for the better. This isn't some "fad diet" it's going to save your life. I know that's a pretty intense statement. This is real though, we have been wrongly educated and it's time to really know the truth about every single thing you put into your body and how it effects you!

This is real because I myself am seeing DAILY changes in so many things. Same goes for my family. Both my parents are diabetics, my father is type 1 and my mother is type 2. They both are taking insulin, and since starting paleo, they have significantly reduced the amount of insulin they need each day. It's incredible. My skin, my hair, and nails have all gotten better. I sleep better, I wake up excited to start my day, even with a 6 month old baby. My whole family(immediate as well as grandparents) started eating paleo about 3 weeks ago, and on memorial day they had some foods that weren't paleo and ALL of them got sick that night and the next day! That's when they were convinced.

My challenge to you. At the least become educated, take some time to do a little reading. Then maybe just try cutting out grains(corn is considered a grain), legumes(peanuts and soy are legumes), refined sugars(artificial as well), and dairy for one month. See how it changes you, then eat them and see what it does to you after you haven't eaten any of those foods for a month. You won't believe it.

This is my husbands 3 day weekend so I am going to shower off my stinky workout sweat, go wake him up(he works nights) and enjoy the rest of the day hanging out with my best friend!


  1. So I wish I had your stamina .... We eat MOSTLY paleo but I can't kick soda although I'm trying. Danny as you know is leaving so I'll be cooking for one. I planned on just eating lean cuzine meals... But I lost all that weight when I did do paleo and I'm platueibg

    1. It took a lot for me to make these choices.. it doesn't come easy! I just got back from the grocery store and I had to tell myself "no chocolate" the entire time! I miss chocolate the most out of everything. It's a daily battle against my cravings. Seeing the results I have gotten though keep me motivated! I plateaued too.. after I couldn't lose more than 15 pounds with my eating only I decided I wanted to work out and lose the rest till I reach my goal. I figure once I reach my goal the way I'm eating will keep me there and I won't have to worry about gaining weight. I workout during Aiden's first nap or I will never do it. I just go get dressed in my workout clothes, and walk out to the treadmill in the garage(totally UNMOTIVATED!) and I put some music on and just power walk for the first half and run/jog the last half and by the end I feel pumped up and ready to go. It's surprising how 15 min of powerwalking gets those endorphins pumping. I'm ONLY on day 3.. I hope to keep it up each day, I think I will, I want to stay positive! Just force yourself through the first part then the rest just happens and at the end you feel SO good for working out an feel great the rest of the day, it's more motivation to keep it up.
