Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 7 of P90x

Today was supposed to be the rest day, but I ended up not doing Kenpo X last night I was too tired. So today, I made sure to do it, I have now accomplished 6 p90x work outs in 7 days. I loved Kenpo X! It's now my favorite workout. It's fun and exciting!

I have figured out what I HAVE to do, so that I am fully motivated to workout, if you have fitness goals you need to do the same so you keep going. It's silly I know, but I have to take a shower before I work out, and after. It's like my reset for the day, after I lay Aiden down for his first nap I go straight to the shower, then put on my workout clothes, go downstairs, take half a scoop of Doel's pre-workout(it really helps me), wait for it to kick in(or go powerwalk/jog on the treadmill till it kicks in) then do the P90x workout. It's crazy I know, but if I miss one of those things, I just can't get into it! If I smell stinky starting, I just feel gross and want to quit and shower, if I don't take a pre-work out, I seem to want to quit early because I am just not into it, and if I don't do it during Aiden's first nap,  I won't do it later on in the day.

Today I almost quit halfway because Aiden woke up, and started to fuss mid workout, but I decided that I was going to power through it and let him fuss for a while. Don't let a fussy baby be a reason to quit, they'll be okay for 5 min, he calmed down and went back to sleep and now I have time to eat a post workout meal, and blog.

I plan to warm up some left over baked salmon, eat some fresh broccoli, and drink some water with straight glutamine and 100% hemp protein in it. I'm feeling sore already.

After that, I will go nurse my little guy, and we'll go wake up Doel so we have a few hours before he leaves for work.

Having healthy paleo food in the fridge prepared makes a huge difference for me. I'm not tempted to eat something crappy or not eat because I am tired. I usually have a big tupperware full of baked chicken as a go to in case I need something and frozen veggies in the freezer. I do a batch of chicken once a week usually, and an egg bake for breakfast is really nice too. Just throw in a dozen eggs, with whatever veggies, and (precooked)meat you like(I do ground turkey) and bake at 350 for 45 min covered and 15 min un-covered. perfect on the go breakfast!

I hope this is helpful or encouraging to someone :) I know it's not easy and I struggle daily to keep up with my health and fitness goals. But it's totally worth it at the end of the day.

Today I weighed 205 that's 2 pounds less than my last weigh in! Yay!


  1. Congrats on losing the weight! Having food prepared is KEY for me too. Especially to get the proper protein in take. Good blogs Christy :)

    1. Thanks Ami! Yeah! Protein is hard on the go if you're not prepared and I don't like to substitute too many shakes for meals. I'm excited I know I have lost more than 2 pounds of fat I can see it all over my body, I'm gaining muscle, my arms look WAY better than a week ago! Glad you're reading it!
